Inside Background

Right to Know Requests

Open Records Request



The New Kensington-Arnold School District’s Right-To-Know Officer is Tracy Fleeger


Section 703 of the 2007 Open Records Law requires that a written request for access to records may be submitted in person, via e-mail, fax, or to the extent provided by agency rules, other electronic means.  


Employees of an agency shall be directed to forward requests for records to the Open Records Officer.  A written request should identify or describe the following:


  • The particular record(s) sought with sufficient specificity to enable the agency to ascertain which records are being requested. 
  • The request shall include the name and address to which the agency should address its response.


Submitting a Right-to-Know Request


Use the Right-to-Know form below to submit a digital Right-to-Know requests to [email protected]. You may also print and mail the completed form to:


Tracy Fleeger
New Kensington-Arnold School District
Right-To-Know Officer
707 Stevenson Blvd.
New Kensington, PA 15068


Or Fax to 724-994-1212 or 724-994-1213


This Fee Schedule will give you an indication if any cost will be attached to the request.


NKASD Policy 801 – Open Records



Policy 801 delineates the District’s rules on requesting information and follows the Open Records Law of 2007.